May 03, 2005
Deception Point (book)
Deception Point
This is the most recent Dan Brown book I've read. What I've said about his writing in the past holds true for this book too. While definitely an interesting read, this book used exactly the same plot devices as in his THREE OTHER BOOKS. So be prepared to anticipate every single plot twist in the book.
The subject material is interesting, though, and Mr. Brown would make an excellent screenwriter. He has a talent for creating intriguing atmospheres and characters that you care about, even if only just enough to want to read the next page. If I had to recommend one Dan Brown book right now, it would be Angels & Demons, since everyone's got papacy on the brain, and that book has quite a bit of interesting info about that whole thing.
Posted by yargevad at May 3, 2005 09:50 PM