September 12, 2003
Angels & Demons (book)
Angels & Demons
Dan Brown became one of my new favorite authors with The DaVinci Code, and he continues that trend with Angels & Demons. His style is a refreshingly realistic fiction based on historical fact coming to life in the present. The Illuminati, the Vatican, particle physics, ambigrams... Even though this book takes place over a relatively short period of time and the action gets quite intense, this is a fun read.
The generalities of the plot and the author's tricks are quite the same as in The DaVinci Code, though. There are implied villians and last-minute surprise 180-degree turns. Dan Brown definitely knows what he likes, in that he uses the same literary devices in this book as in the Code, but I think he pulls it off.
Posted by yargevad at September 12, 2003 11:47 AM