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January 06, 2010

taco with a butt

wait for it...

thanks somethingawful!

Posted by yargevad at 07:05 PM

May 13, 2009

fema comic + goons = trippy

my other favorite (2Mb image!)

Posted by yargevad at 11:57 AM

August 10, 2008

new pics!

I've been taking pictures and posting them and not saying anything about it. Some of the more recent ones are Roller Skating 80s Party and OSCON 08. Whee!

Posted by yargevad at 04:31 PM

April 15, 2008

new pictures!

Posted some new pictures finally, from closing day at Vail. Whee!

Posted by yargevad at 12:49 PM

February 01, 2007

Boston, you are retarded.

So if you haven't heard, Boston got its panties in a bunch over some LED signs that were part of a guerilla marketing campaign for Aqua Teen Hunger Force (ATHF), which is one of the most bizarre (and amusing) shows on [adult swim]. Then [adult swim] goes and puts this shit up on their website, completely validating Boston's reaction. Unbelievable. Boston can kiss my fucking ass. THEY'RE LEDS. Good lord.

Tell them they suck for apologizing. I did:

I don't appreciate you validating the city of Boston's knee jerk retarded reaction to a harmless advertising campaign. I also don't appreciate you selling the advertising firm down the river so quickly. I realize you have a bunch of pussies in suits upstairs telling you what to do, but for $deity's sake, a disproportionate response to a bunch of LEDs doesn't require you to put on the kneepads and apologize profusely to a bunch of morans.
boston is run by morans

Posted by yargevad at 03:21 PM

November 13, 2006


"those parquet floors are like the worst possible mix with new shoes and alcohol" -mia

"heh. *looks up parquet*" - me

Posted by yargevad at 05:37 PM

August 10, 2006

more pics

So there has been a lot of the picture-taking in the last month or so, but not a lot of the picture-posting.

Here's some: Salt Lake City, Stiffler's Mom, LA & a whale's vagina, The Monastery, and a Rockies game.

Posted by yargevad at 06:43 PM

July 29, 2006

new gallery

So just now I noticed that the link to my gallery is sort of out of date. I've been gradually migrating my pictures from phortawesome to this server, and while I'm not quite done, all my new pics are here, not there. So the links are updated. Enjoy that!

Some recent stuff I just uploaded (yeah, yeah, I know it's been a while) are pics of my going away (from Maryland) party (who took all those pictures of Karen?!), Climbing at Animal World in Boulder Canyon, Kyla and Dylan's wedding (in a skate park) and reception at the Boulder Reservoir, biking (ok not really, but we were biking inbetween all the pics) at Heil Valley Ranch and more...

Posted by yargevad at 05:17 PM

June 09, 2006


i smell bacon
Posted by yargevad at 09:20 PM

November 21, 2005

less should be more

I went to shopper's food warehouse this weekend to prepare for a potluck. This is what I saw.

compare and save up to 20% less than other supermarkets

Mad props to Evan and Leah for the gory gummy cupcakes also.

gory gummies

I think this next image can speak for itself.

Danita Blow

Posted by yargevad at 09:44 AM

November 01, 2005

chevy chase, you jerk!

Saw this guy on the train the other day. He doesn't look so feisty at first glance...

But if you look at him long enough, you can tell it's an optical illusion!

Then after a while, it just gets ridiculous...

Posted by yargevad at 08:04 PM

October 13, 2005

scary baby

I've got a bunch of old family photos that I am currently the caretaker of. Some of them are pretty darn amusing. I think I've gotten less photogenic with age. Decide for yourself...

holy crap, a scary baby!
Posted by yargevad at 06:05 PM

September 21, 2005

penguin suit

I picked up my tux last night for Brian's wedding. The guy who took my measurements gave me the wrong size shirt, though, and I couldn't even get the top button buttoned. Worked out ok, I got a new shirt out of the deal, out of the bag new. In the spirit of "Take a picture, it'll last longer", here you go:

Posted by yargevad at 12:09 PM

August 19, 2005


Posted by yargevad at 11:21 AM

August 06, 2005

trading cards

Hello. So, I was talking to this guy in a bar. And he was all "You should make trading cards of yourself." But then I was all "But that's SO pretentious." And then we got into this whole long discussion and our waitress ended up punching this guy, in the bar. Ok, that didn't really happen. But I had you going there! I went to Chuck E Cheese's, for a thing:


They have this REALLY AWESOME thing where you sit in a little open booth thing and put in 1 token and it takes a picture of you, which it then converts to grayscale and applies a pencil effect. And it simulates Chuck sketching it while you wait, and he even makes a mistake that he has to erase! Then he tells you that you look good, even though that huge ZIT he just drew and erased was actually there and you really look like crap. I want one of those machines, and then every time someone comes over, I can make them get their picture taken and I can hang it up on the wall like they do in restaurants, and then I can say "Look over there, on that wall, that's everyone who has been in my house. I drew those. That's right."


Posted by yargevad at 04:06 PM

June 08, 2005

Adult Heaven

Perry Bible Fellowship
in tha house!

Posted by yargevad at 05:25 PM

November 04, 2004

one weekend

Here's to you, Bob.

one weekend a month, my ass!

Posted by yargevad at 11:46 AM

November 02, 2004

how to use chopsticks

how to use chopsticks

props to Darrell, I'd link ya if I knew where you were buddy

Posted by yargevad at 03:41 PM

October 28, 2004


good lord i love the onion:

animated voter maps from the onion

Posted by yargevad at 12:08 PM

October 19, 2004

stuffed full of sushi

Several intrepid diners converged on Benihana's anoche for sushi and good times. We stumbled out the door several hours later, feckless and delightfully turgid with fish, eel, roe, and wasabi, speculating as to what percentage exactly of our engorgement we had craftily avoided payment for by opting for the $27 all-you-can-eat plan. Nobody puked either.

bow before me, sushi tray!

Posted by yargevad at 11:42 AM

September 03, 2004

strike a juxtapose

busy busy busy, huge image backlog! here's a couple from the last SOTG movie this year:

senate scene w/ capital behind

money shot w/ capital behind

Posted by yargevad at 11:10 AM

July 16, 2004

ghetto popeyes

I find inspiration in the strangest places...

I'm Popeye the Sailor Man,
I eat from the Popeye's dumpster when I can
I've got a strong ticker
Cause I drinks malt liquor,
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man!
ghetto popeyes in the ghetto by the popeyes

Lots of random source images for you to see.

Mad props to the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), because it's almost just like Photoshop, without all the piracy.

Posted by yargevad at 12:24 AM

July 12, 2004

dodgeball fun

Recently I've been playing dodgeball on tennis courts on Sunday afternoons. Lightin' bastids up is always fun. Yesterday was a watershed event, though—we had almost twice as many people in one game as we'd ever had before, and that was even before the Washington Post article on our group came out today! Here are some pics from the article (links go to a scanned version of the article):

collin launching
dodging alex's throw

I played dodgeball a lot as a kid, in what I like to call "church Boy Scouts", but it was a different type of dodgeball usually. Every man for himself, 2 or 3 balls. You had to sit down when you got hit, but you could still get back into the game by hitting or catching a ball thrown by someone who's still in.

Our group plays what strikes me as a modified version of what I knew as greek dodge, which works really well on a tennis court, because instead of just having people on the far end once they get out, you can be on all sides of the other team. I think it also works better with a lot of people (20+ total) and a lot of balls (3+). There's a lot more strategy involved than you might think, mostly centered around keeping control of the balls and keeping your opponent moving and/or off-balance.

Good times—If you're in the MD/DC/VA area, check out the Yahoo! group linked above and come get your ass handed to you. It'll be fun. Just don't expect us to go easy on you, Nancy Boy.

Posted by yargevad at 01:01 PM

May 29, 2004

malt liquor purse

Posted by yargevad at 10:51 AM

May 21, 2004

i YAM a cicada!

You are Brood X: Techno Cicada Tour Summer 2004

Posted by yargevad at 04:05 PM

May 14, 2004

cicada takes a field trip!

Posted by yargevad at 10:37 AM

April 24, 2004

this underappreciated guy...

should write for SA:

Walt Whitman
Jimmy McPerson
Future Jesus and the Dragon Slayers
US History

link props to etensity (nsfw)

Posted by yargevad at 02:45 PM

April 18, 2004

does it sound like that when i say it?


cracka: holla! brotha: oh. my. god.

Posted by yargevad at 11:12 PM

April 15, 2004

dave n dave

fun at the Angry Inch Saloon

Posted by yargevad at 01:24 PM

April 09, 2004

chicken, strip!

strip, chicken, strip!

Posted by yargevad at 03:28 PM

March 19, 2004

randobracket liiiiiives!

I don't really follow college basketball that much. It's fun to watch with fun people, but there is already fun happening there, so the basketball is just a nice touch. Anyway, I started making my NCAA bracket selections for the pool that I'm in and, while doing so, got really bored. So instead of picking teams, I wrote a randomizer. It was harder than I thought, but the hardest part was the design.

When I write things like that (I also wrote a brute-force solution to Drive Ya Nuts), it's hard to get an algorithm that's flexible enough to cover the entire problem, so the working result tends to look like a piece of crap and be really hard to debug. When my QA team of one (props to Rico) pointed out an intermittent error, I briefly cursed creation. But it's fixed now. You may stop panicking.

Ah, randomness:

nice hat

Posted by yargevad at 11:56 AM

March 15, 2004

my first graphs

Graphs are cool. They help people understand things that are hard to explain in other ways or they organize information differently in order to try to infiltrate your brain.

I like video games. First Person Shooters, Real Time Strategy, Turn-Based Strategy, Role Playing Games and almost any combination of those. The problem with a lot of video games (especially RPGs) is that they are so complicated that it's hard to remember all the information you need to know in order to play the game effectively.

In particular, I'm playing Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance right now. The character progression is cool, but it's hard to remember all the different dependencies and all the abilities associated with each class. So I graphed them. Woo! code warning:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use GraphViz;

open F,'<races' or die "couldn't read races: $!\n";
my $fc;
{ local $/ = undef; $fc = <F> }
close F;

# race -> base -> child

# split on 3+ "blank" lines
my @races = split /(?:\s*?\n\s*?){3,}/, $fc;
for my $race (@races) {
  my $g = GraphViz->new();
  my ($r,@r,$flag);
  $r = $1 if $race =~ /=.*?\n(.*?).\n/s; # grab race name


  $race =~ s/^.*?\-\s*?\n//s; # only keep ability information
  # iterate over abilities, saving class and prerequisite
  while ($race =~ m|^(\w+(?:\s\w+)?)\s*\-\s+(.*)$|gm) {
    my ($class, $prereq) = ($1, $2);
    if ($prereq =~ m|N/A|) {
#      print "base [$class]\n";
    } else {
#      print "  child [$class] "; print "(multiple) " if $prereq =~ /,/;
#      print "dependency [$1] " while $prereq =~ /(\d (\w+(?:\s*\w+)?))/g;
      while ($prereq =~ /(\d) (\w+(?:\s*\w+)?)/g) {
	my ($label, $dep) = ($1, $2);
        my @options = (style => 'dotted', fontcolor => 'red', dir => 'both');
        $g->add_edge($dep, $class, label => $label, @options);
#      print "\n";
Posted by yargevad at 02:15 PM

March 11, 2004

that pretty much sums it up

Posted by yargevad at 02:38 PM

March 02, 2004

sesame street terror alert scale

all the colors of sesame street to let us know when to panic!

current terror alert level is:
Terror Alert Level

Posted by yargevad at 11:47 AM

March 01, 2004

random monkey

Posted by yargevad at 01:40 PM

February 19, 2004

super snazzy

i think this sweater is the most yellow i've worn out in public in a very long time. probably since i was a kid, even. i used to have some really weird clothes. dammit, i forgot about my Waffle World t-shirt. it's still more body coverage, though. i got it at this thrift store that i forget the name of across from the Brooklyn Brewery. thanks Anna!

Posted by yargevad at 05:40 PM

February 17, 2004

image backlog

Theme: Superpowers used in everyday life. Difficulty: Unobvious
i can't see you!
seen on a menu at the Colulmbia Hard Times Cafe... drunk cub scout
i'm a cub-scout

Posted by yargevad at 05:33 PM

February 05, 2004

whistler & pics

da pix

i vacationed (hehe) in whistler recently (Jan. 22-31) and it was awesome. awesome, but incredibly tiring. we stayed with some of Brent's college friends for the first three days instead of backcountry camping like we had planned (which would have been even more tiring).

after that we stayed in Tantalus Lodge, which was walking distance from the slopes and had a hot tub and heated pool. we happened to meet some people from Laurel, MD in the hot tub, which was quite weird. i never thought i'd be throwing PG in canada and having people understand me...

i had a whole ski availability fiasco, too, but randomly ended up scoring free rentals, which was nice. the snowboarders rode for 6 days straight, but between my ski problems and twisting my knee because my pansy girl quads were tired, i only made it 4 days in a row. still well worth it, and i got to check out the climbing gym.

i kinda blew my wad early the day i went bouldering cause i didn't notice the house rules that said i could put my feet anywhere unless otherwise noted. so i made the climbs a lot harder than they were meant to be. it's good to be home.

the comments in the gallery are pretty informative too, so check that out if you haven't already.

Posted by yargevad at 11:01 PM

February 02, 2004

whistler warning signs

I just got back from a ski trip to Whistler, BC (that's in Canadia, for the unwashed masses) and one of the most amusing things (to me) was the warning signs. There are several things you have to watch out for in Whistler that you can pretty much count on never happening in Maryland. And they have warning signs for them. Here they are, listed in ascending order of danger.
caution: watch for falling snowno biking or snowboarding
caution: ice fall hazardplease stay clear of snowmobiles and snowcats
danger: crevasse area, do not enter

Posted by yargevad at 01:35 PM

January 02, 2004

worth 1000 words

A Jeep in a house...

Posted by yargevad at 04:03 PM

December 30, 2003

let's play frisbee!

oh jeez, i hope my sweatshirt comes soon!


Posted by yargevad at 04:48 PM

December 23, 2003

duck duck goose

honing my skeelz with the gimp

Posted by yargevad at 11:03 AM

December 17, 2003

LOTR heh.

no I have to do Sam

Posted by yargevad at 05:31 PM

December 10, 2003


the pictures i took this weekend are now online! our net connection at work died today, and for some weird reason, i could still access my website... so i threw together a little gallery script, which you're looking at right now if you clicked that link. enjoy!

Posted by yargevad at 05:59 PM

November 03, 2003


I especially identify with this picture because of my Halloween costume, which included breakaway track pants. I was a Disco Cowboy, but then people told me I looked like Kid Rock, so I took that ball and ran with it. Couldn't find anyone dressed as Pam, tho. More pictures to follow, as soon as I don't forget my camera cable.

Pants, don't fail me now!

Posted by yargevad at 10:37 AM

October 10, 2003

did i do thaaaat?

drunk dialing is a bad idea...


me and lauren, having a great time


lauren, mad

my bad, lo-lo!

Posted by yargevad at 12:33 PM

September 18, 2003

here kitty

Posted by yargevad at 12:11 PM

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