September 03, 2004
strike a juxtapose
busy busy busy, huge image backlog! here's a couple from the last SOTG movie this year:

December 26, 2003
marey chrismiss
I dunno about you, but I had a great Christmas. I slept in late and bathed myself in media for almost the entire day. I read The Mission for a while, watched a bunch of Family Guy, South Park, and The Name of the Rose, which my Tivo minion recorded for me. Oh, and I did laundry and tried to make my stupid kernel recognize eth0. All in all, quite a productive day.
December 17, 2003
December 02, 2003
oooh, controversy
i watched The Reagans on Showtime last night. i can see what all the fuss is about, because it's not a pleasant picture that gets painted. Ronald as a naive, well-meaning, easily manipulated actor, and Nancy as a pouty control freak who ironically cedes control to her "psychic friend."
the problem with the "Information Age" is that there's just so much gosh darn information, which makes it easy enough to say or write whatever you want to be true, with grains of truth, or even a whole lot of truth, while leaving out or fabricating that one key thing that would (or does) turn the whole story on its ear. someone might notice, or it might be accepted as gospel truth.
i understand that history has been and is written by the victors and all that, but the process has sped up so much that it has become possible to alter reality within one's lifetime, decidedly to one's advantage by altering the public's perceptions. i'm a big believer in responsibility and the honor in taking responsibility for something (like the media, along with so many other people with wide public influence doesn't). without that trait, people become like the shells of people in Atlas Shrugged whose mantra is "It couldn't be helped." they repeat that saying over and over until it is defeated by the people who aren't afraid to be seen for what they really are, whose strengths and shortcomings flap in the breeze like so many standards (pun intended) proudly carried, announcing the presence of a conquering force.
grandiose metaphors are awesome.
November 27, 2003
Oh SomethingAwful photoshoppers, what would I do without you?

I salute you.
October 09, 2003
peligroso en la cabeza!
I watched Confessions of a Dangerous Mind last night. At first I thought it was gonna be stupid because Dangerous Minds was stupid, but then I remembered that Catwoman was the teacher in that, so it can't have been that bad, right? Right??!
I enjoyed it. It was definitely a dark comedy (at least i took it as a comedy, which given my track record of laughing hilariously in 8mm while Nicolas Cage gets sodomized with a crossbow, might be stretching it), and it was done very well. (Heh heh, I don't think he actually got sodomized with a crossbow... but that would be pretty funny.)
So yeah! Good movie, good acting, good subtle acting and reacting by the dude who shot Drew Barrymore out of a window in Charlie's Angels, and also looks kinda like Jon Bon Jovi. That's two strikes! But this movie resets the count. And the crowd goes wild.
September 26, 2003
Matrix Revolutions Trailer
There's a BitTorrent link to the trailer for Matrix: Revolutions online, and it is frickin' cool. A good bit of the premise is revealed, so if you'd like to go into the movie blind, don't watch this.
September 11, 2003
panic room
I caught the last I'd say 2/3rds of this movie the other day. It's a good thriller flick, lots of edgy action. Jodie Foster and her movie son... wait, daughter? what? (see for yourself... quite unfortunate) seal themselves in a specially designed steel room when three robbers break into her house. The safe the robbers are after is also in this room, so as you can imagine, there's a bit of a standoff. I definitely had a wrong impression of what this movie was about, I thought it was some sort of sci-fi thriller when I saw the trailer.
July 25, 2003
crazy, high, floating
"He's crazy. He's high. He's floatin' on sneaky Pete wine."
-Gregory Miller (Sidney Poitier), Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Well mister tree...
"Well mister tree, come christmas time, we'll have a party and both get lit up!"
-Richard Dadier (Glenn Ford), in Blackboard Jungle (1955)