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August 06, 2005

trading cards   (geekin, pic(s), random re me)

Hello. So, I was talking to this guy in a bar. And he was all "You should make trading cards of yourself." But then I was all "But that's SO pretentious." And then we got into this whole long discussion and our waitress ended up punching this guy, in the bar. Ok, that didn't really happen. But I had you going there! I went to Chuck E Cheese's, for a thing:


They have this REALLY AWESOME thing where you sit in a little open booth thing and put in 1 token and it takes a picture of you, which it then converts to grayscale and applies a pencil effect. And it simulates Chuck sketching it while you wait, and he even makes a mistake that he has to erase! Then he tells you that you look good, even though that huge ZIT he just drew and erased was actually there and you really look like crap. I want one of those machines, and then every time someone comes over, I can make them get their picture taken and I can hang it up on the wall like they do in restaurants, and then I can say "Look over there, on that wall, that's everyone who has been in my house. I drew those. That's right."


Posted by yargevad at August 6, 2005 04:06 PM

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