July 18, 2005
Harry Potter (#6) and the Half-Blood Prince (book)
Harry Potter (#6) and the Half-Blood Prince
J.K. Rowling's sixth book is finished and published. People everywhere are scrambling for a copy, although Target still had about 20 copies when I checked (I ordered mine online from bn.com).
Just like in the last one, this book is thinly veiled social commentary. I'm still reading, but it's completely obvious that Rowling is going to address "freedom vs. security" in this book. Another thing I'm sort of disappointed about is that she seems to be telegraphing a lot of the plot in advance. Or maybe I'm just really smart and pick up on things that other people don't. I'm enjoying the book so far, even though I'm picking it apart at the same time.
Posted by yargevad at July 18, 2005 11:22 AM