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January 07, 2005

hot spiced whisky   (mixed drinks)

good show, Shannon!

-bottle of whiskey
-hot, hot, hot water
-vanilla (3-5 drops of extract or 1/2 bean)
-about 8 whole cloves (the little brown things, not cocktail onions that are called cloves in some circles)
-some sugar, brown or white to taste (depends on how sweet your whiskey is. For instance, Jameson barely needs any sugar, just like 1 tablespoon for 4 or 5 drinks.)
-half wheels of lemons, optional
Prepare the pot you'll be serving from. Put in the cloves, the vanilla and some (not much) sugar.
(Whiskey is the sweetest of the spirits, besides rum, so we don't need much sugar.)
Mix the whiskey and hot water into the pot(2:1 ratio or enough hot water to make sure the whiskey is super hot.)
Let it steep for a minute. taste to see if you need more sugar. Taste to see if you need more cloves. Taste to see if you need more whiskey. Taste to see if you need more vanilla. Taste to see if you need more hot water. Taste to see if you like a lemon wheel in yours. And then taste for the hell of it. Share and go caroling.

Posted by yargevad at January 7, 2005 04:05 AM

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