November 11, 2004
cracked software at microsoft (link)
<@xxx> > > Just picked this up on IRC and at first sight thought it was a
<@xxx> > > hoax, but it seems very real.
<@xxx> > >
<@xxx> > > Check one of the wave files in
<@xxx> > > c:\windows\help\tour\windowsmediaplayer\audio\wav with a
<@xxx> > > (hex)editor, at the end of the files it says "deepz0ne" and "Sound
<@xxx> > > Forge 4.5".
<@xxx> > >
<@xxx> > > Deepz0ne is apparently a cracker for the group Radium that released
<@xxx> > > a pirated / cracked copy of Sound Forge 4.5 in August 1998, it is