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October 12, 2004

parradiggum   (quote)

The essential paradigm of cyberspace is creating partially situated identities out of actual or potential social reality in terms of canonical forms of human contact, thus renormalizing the phenomenology of narrative space and requiring the naturalization of the intersubjective cognitive strategy, and thereby resolving the dialectics of metaphorical thoughts, each problematic to the other, collectively redefining and reifying the paradigm of the parable of the model of the metaphor.

 -Chip Morningstar, How To Deconstruct Almost Anything

NB: Most GISs were SFW when I checked. Except for that morningstar one. Which might still be safe for work (if you work in a furry gay sci-fi porn store), but was highly disturbing to my virgin sensibilities.

Posted by yargevad at October 12, 2004 12:07 AM

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