August 06, 2004
cnds software (link)
Spines: A software research platform that allows deployment of overlay networks in the Internet
Wackamole: An infrastructure application that helps make a cluster highly available. Similarly it can make a highly available logical router out of several routers.
Spread: A high performance messaging toolkit that is resilient to faults across external or internal networks.
Secure Spread: A library that provides security services for the Spread Group Communication System.
mod_backhand: A drop in module for the Apache web server that allows dynamic load-balancing over local area cluster of Apache web servers.
Flush Spread: A library that provides view synchrony semantics for the Spread Group Communication System.
The Frugal System: A Metacomputing Tool for Jini-enabled Networks. The Frugal System schedules tasks on a scalable computing cluster to minimize system loads and optimize the use of memory.
The Stdutil C Library: A toolkit of high-performance C data structures and utility functions.
publications of the Johns Hopkins Center for Networking and Distributed Systems