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June 08, 2004

how to install perl modules if not root   (link)

If you don't have the privilege to install the modules in a system directory, tell Makefile.PL that before you start:

% mkdir ~/user_perl
% perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/user_perl
% make
% make install

That will install the [stuff] in your local directory. The same technique also works when installing other modules, such as CGI.pm and GD.pm.

It is also a good idea to ensure that other users can read your installed modules (for example, if the web server runs CGIs as user "nobody"):

% cd ~/user_perl
% find . -type d | xargs chmod a+rx
% find . -type f | xargs chmod a+r

Posted by yargevad at June 8, 2004 04:48 PM

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