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May 23, 2004

taking a risk   (quote)

In starting with him, though, he believes that the Justice Department is taking a risk. "This is the World Series, and they’re the Boston Red Sox," he exclaims. "They’re getting a chance that they haven’t had in 9 billion years, and if they blow this, they can never come back. Because where can you go after a jury says there’s nothing wrong with these movies? How do you go after a movie involving a husband and wife and the guy’s wearing a condom? How do you get someone to go after that, when you couldn’t even prosecute a tape where the guy comes in the girl’s mouth, and then he fucking stabs her? This is their one shot, and they fucking know it."

 -G. Beato, Xtreme Measures

Your commitment to democracy is measured by how vehemently you defend the rights of people you hate.

Posted by yargevad at May 23, 2004 10:17 PM

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