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May 19, 2004

random python links   (link)

py2exe is a Python distutils extension which converts python scripts into executable windows programs, able to run without requiring a python installation

Venster is a highly native Windows GUI toolkit for Python based on the ctypes ffi library. The aim of Venster is to be a very lightweight wrapper around the standard Win32 API, making it easy to write slick windows applications in pure Python.

Psyco is a Python extension module which can massively speed up the execution of any Python code.

An efficient optimized tree control widget written in native Python and Tkinter

The Stackless module allows you to do MultiTasking without using Threads. It provides a mechnism for parallelism, combined with a very high level language like Python that makes it possible to develop impressive Applications.

wxPython for GUI development, pyGame for 2D graphics, and Twisted for network programming

PythonCard uses wxPython. If you are already familiar with wxPython, just think of PythonCard as a simpler way of doing wxPython programs with a whole lot of samples and tools already in place for you to copy and subclass and tools to help you build cross-platform applications.

Kevin Altis' weblog

Appscript allows MacPython users on OS X to manipulate scriptable applications from ordinary Python scripts.

python stuff at activestate

thinking in tkinter

The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats, and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities.

Pyrex is a language specially designed for writing Python extension modules. It's designed to bridge the gap between the nice, high-level, easy-to-use world of Python and the messy, low-level world of C.

JPype is an effort to allow python programs full access to java class libraries. This is achieved not through re-implementing Python, as Jython/JPython has done, but rather through interfacing at the native level in both Virtual Machines.

ctypes documentation: ctypes is a Python package to create and manipulate C data types in Python, and to call functions in dynamic link libraries/shared dlls. It allows wrapping these libraries in pure Python.

When I wanted to use Python to call functions in Windows .DLL I was surprised that I had a difficult time locating the necessary information for making this happen. This is a base class that you use to define your class (and methods for each function). It uses Sam Rushings calldll, cstring and membuf modules but I think it will make interfacing with any DLL much easier for the beginner (especially for the first time).

some random python code snippets

example using Twisted Perspective Broker (network ping pong)

Using Python scripts to store configuration information is a powerful and simple technique that can support documentation through comments, parameter checking as well as the creation of derived variables. In systems where other programming languages are required, the config file information stored in Python files can be converted to custom configuration files for system applications.

Shows how to remotely access a database via a web service supporting XML-RPC and SOAP protocols. The example uses the MySQLdb module, but should be easily customised to any database with Python module adhering to the Python DB API. The web service interface provides the ability to make a self contained query, or allows the creation of a distinct database cursor to service a series of queries or updates without other clients interfering. Cursors automatically expire and delete themselves after a set period of inactivity if not explicitly closed.

This recipe is here for a couple of reasons:
1) discourage a common misuse of __slots__;
2) show how to restrict Python dynamism.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is Microsoft's implementation of Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM), an industry initiative to provide a Common Information Model (CIM) for pretty much any information about a computer system. Naturally, the Microsoft version uses DCOM as its backbone, and therefore, from the Python point of view, needs the win32 extensions from Mark Hammond, or any other piece of code which will do the same job.

Once you've got those in place, your job is almost done. WMI itself is an hierarchy of objects with a certain amount of introspection. Most of the examples you'll come across are aimed at VBS or WSH, but they translate readily enough. However... once you've finished dabbling your toes at the water's edge and start wading in to the murky waters, you discover that things aren't always quite so straightforward.

The module I've developed does a certain amount of the dirty work so that you don't have to. You always have access to the underlying WMI COM object in case you need to get your hands dirty, but I've found that for the sort of day-to-day stuff that we do here, it performs quite adequately.

some good python intro stuff

Both ASP and mod_python allow you to deploy web applications written in Python. This recipe allows you to push that decision down to your deployers, rather than your programmers. By abstracting the webserver, the same Python application can be deployed on either platform without rewriting.

These Python modules provide simple yet powerful multi-threaded object-oriented CGI/FastCGI/mod_python/html-templating facilities for the Python programming language.

An extremely fast implementation of the xmlrpc spec for Python (written in C). It supports both blocking and non-blocking clients and servers on Windows and POSIX platforms. Version 0.8.1 is 100% compliant with the www.xmlrpc.com validator.

SPIRO is an simple ORB (Object-Request Broker) which allows objects to be shared between two or more python (and/or Jython) processes.

I wrote it because I wanted a bridge between cPython and Java - existing ORBs like Pyro do not yet support running servers in Jython (owing to Jython's current lack of a select() function). And, JNI-based wrappers like JPE are too brittle and create deployment problems.

Fifo as single linked lists

The main purpose of this topic guide is to help in choosing between the plethora of frameworks and templating systems for Web programming, without having to learn each of them. In addition, information about different PresentationTechnologies is also provided, where appropriate, since this can be a major deciding factor in choosing a framework.

HTMLTemplate converts HTML/XHTML templates into simple Python object models that can be manipulated through callback functions in your scripts. Fast, powerful and easy to use.

daily news from the python universe

Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler, written in Python. It searches a number of well-known news sites for Python-related articles.

PyChecker is a tool for finding bugs in python source code. It finds problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less dynamic languages, like C and C++. It is similar to lint.

Posted by yargevad at May 19, 2004 03:30 PM

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