April 08, 2004
"He is the inventor of a repackaged badminton racket -- Luning calls them "bad bug" rackets -- that will soon be on sale in Cincinnati area drugstores and perhaps on the Web for $3.99.
Luning says he got the idea after watching his son chase bugs on a camping trip and seeing "the thrill and excitement in his eyes." Swat 20 cicadas and you may call yourself a "hunter," according to the wrapper on Luning's rackets. Take out 70 and consider yourself a "predator"; if you reach 100, wear proudly the title: "CICADANATOR!!!""
-Cameron W. Barr, washingtonpost.com, Sam Luning, cicadanator.com
Someone should tell the PETC(icadas) or the PETI(nsects) or whatever. Cicadas have feelings too, although they are probably blunted a bit by their exoskeleton.
Posted by yargevad at April 8, 2004 12:55 PM