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March 31, 2004

dodgy fec redefinition   (link)

"...the Supreme Court, in Buckley v. Valeo, explained that to fulfill the purposes of FECA, the definition of political committee "need only encompass organizations that are under the control of a candidate or the major purpose of which is the nomination or election of a candidate,'' and does not "reach groups engaged purely in issue discussion.'' Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S.1, 79 (1976) (emphasis added)."

"The chilling effect of the proposed rules on free speech cannot be overstated. Merely expressing an opinion about an officeholder's policies could turn a nonprofit group overnight into a federally regulated political committee with crippling fund-raising restrictions."

"Because of the draft’s overly-broad language re-defining ["expenditure"], it has the potential to chill the legitimate activities of many 501(c) non-profit organizations as well as limit independent 527 organizations in ways that are not directed by the law."


the last link is the most clearly written, imo, and has some info that the others don't

Posted by yargevad at March 31, 2004 11:07 AM

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