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March 19, 2004

randobracket liiiiiives!   (geekin, pic(s), random re me)

I don't really follow college basketball that much. It's fun to watch with fun people, but there is already fun happening there, so the basketball is just a nice touch. Anyway, I started making my NCAA bracket selections for the pool that I'm in and, while doing so, got really bored. So instead of picking teams, I wrote a randomizer. It was harder than I thought, but the hardest part was the design.

When I write things like that (I also wrote a brute-force solution to Drive Ya Nuts), it's hard to get an algorithm that's flexible enough to cover the entire problem, so the working result tends to look like a piece of crap and be really hard to debug. When my QA team of one (props to Rico) pointed out an intermittent error, I briefly cursed creation. But it's fixed now. You may stop panicking.

Ah, randomness:

nice hat

Posted by yargevad at March 19, 2004 11:56 AM

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