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March 11, 2004

yeah, ok MT   (geekin, random re me)

So today I decided I'd like to have a list of the books I've read recently (besides the ones I'm reading RIGHT NOW) in my sidebar. It's there now, but only because I (and several other people) are awesome. Here's how it went:

MT: "You can't do that."
Conquistador: "0wn3d."
(Conquistador == me + links below)

lastn entries by last modified on

I hate installing crap (DBI) when there is another way to do something, so I decided to try this:

DateTags MT plugin

which functionally fell short of what I wanted to do, in that it wouldn't let me filter out a certain number of posts from just one category. I grok perl, so I decided to MAKE IT WORK!!1 (code follows, beware)

The following code segment is what I had to change to display the last couple entries in my book category ordered descending by modified_on date:

in DateTags.pl around line 196:
sub dt_n_entries {
# skip some stuff
        my $cat_id = '';
        if (defined $args->{category} ) {
          my $iter = MT::Category->load_iter({ blog_id => $ctx->stash('blog')->id });
          my %cats;
          while (my $obj = $iter->()) {
            $cats{$obj->label()} = $obj->id();
          $cat_id = $cats{$args->{category}};
        my @entries = MT::Entry->load({ blog_id => $ctx->stash('blog')->id,
                status => MT::Entry::RELEASE() },
                { sort => $column,
                  start_val => $ts,
                  direction => $direction,
                  limit => $args->{'n'},
                  join => [ 'MT::Placement', 'entry_id', { category_id => $cat_id } ]
# skip some more stuff
} # end of function
I looked around at what I would have to change to add that functionality without also using a plugin, and got thoroughly confused. This way turned out to be easier, and doesn't introduce a performance hit when rebuilding the site as far as I can tell. Como esta el YAAAY!? Posted by yargevad at March 11, 2004 05:32 PM

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