February 20, 2004
the friday five (last time) (friday five)
When was the last time you...
1. ...went to the doctor?
It's been a long time... every now and then I remember that fact and decide that I should go get a *cough* physical or something, but then I don't. I'm a generally healthy person, though, so it's cool. I think the last time I went to the doctor was about two years ago when I had to get my eyebrow stitched up, and that was (not the emergency room, the other one...).
2. ...went to the dentist?
Way too long. The last time wasn't entirely my fault, though, because I had an appointment for a monday, and they usually call to remind you a day or so before, but they didn't call me!
3. ...filled your gas tank?
4. ...got enough sleep?
I got enough sleep last night, thanks for asking. It's weird, sometimes I'm more rested when I get 5 or 6 hours of sleep than when I get 8 or 9 hours of sleep... figure that out.
5. ...backed up your computer?
Which one? About two weeks ago, before I reinstalled XP Home on my laptop. Now I just have to figure out how to dual-boot it.