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December 30, 2003

private social security?   (link, opinion)

Social Security (SS) reform is no longer a third rail or silver bullet that allows candidates running against those who support it to flip their opponent's platform and run as anti-reform. In fact, SS reform has become a viable platform, as evidenced by numerous House and Senate races in 2002 (see article). It's about time.

People are sick of paying so much tax seeing nothing but perpetual governmental growth. The "individual accounts" being proposed by many proponents of SS reform would pull people's retirement funds out of the government's grubby little hands and put them into something akin to a 401(k) plan or an IRA. That sounds like a great idea to me. Now to go after the rest of the self-perpetuating and entitlement-syndrome-fostering welfare programs that are stifling the dreams and ambitions of the potentially better off. Value for value is the only kind of rewarding, enriching and moral transaction. None of this "Give me stuff, just because" crap.

If you've ever played an MMORPG, it's in your face all the time once you have things to give away. No beggars get anything from me unless they earn it, or unless they don't ask me and I see them trying hard to learn or advance themselves. But once you accept the poison pill that you can get something for nothing, all of your motivation dissolves, and you don't even value or respect the things you're given.

Posted by yargevad at December 30, 2003 10:25 AM

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