December 17, 2003
js is teh suck (geekin, random re me)
ok so i recently started using linux as a desktop at work and was impressed with how much it had evolved since the last time i tried it (redhat 7). but that's not really the point of this post. i'm here to bitch about how my carefully engineered cross-browser javascript breaks in frickin netscape 6 on linux even though it's fine on stupid windows in IE, Opera, Mozilla, and Netscape 7.1
the annoying part is that it's not really broken all the time, just the first time you mouse over the link bar at the top. it's supposed to be dark blue when you mouse over it and gray the rest of the time. except, the first time you mouse over it, it goes retarded and decides to stay blue onmouseout. then, on(subsequent)mouseover, it flips normally, except backwards. ARRRGH! i tried to fix it for like an hour and then got mad and decided to ignore it EXCEPT I CAN"T. so if you're awesome at javascript for linux netscape and bored, please feel free to gank my nav code and fix it.
but if i fix it before you do, i don't owe you a beer...
Posted by yargevad at December 17, 2003 04:39 PM