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November 24, 2003

IP rights for me, but screw you   (link, opinion)

disney doesn't play well with others, doesn't pay royalties to peter pan owners

This is not news. This is definitely newsworthy and should be reported everywhere, but this is obvious to anyone paying attention. Disney got the US government to change copyright laws so Mickey wouldn't pass into the public domain, why not pull the old corporate two-face and disrespect someone else's intellectual property rights? The hospital probably has legal recourse to collect back royalties, but they're a freakin' hospital, not a decrepit corporate structure with voracious lawyers keeping the ignorant blue blood flowing through its veins. And the hospital is definitely not about to grease the wheels to get a law in its favor passed. Advantage mouse, for being an unscrupulous dick.

Posted by yargevad at November 24, 2003 12:54 PM

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