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November 07, 2003

the friday five (trends)   (friday five)

1. What food do you like that most people hate?
Brussels Sprouts. They are awesome. That is all.

2. What food do you hate that most people love?
Even though it is not normally classified as a "food", due to the large quantities of it that are found almost everywhere and the nutritional information that seems to indicate that it is somehow fried, I would have to say mayonnaise. Yuck.

3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you?
Nicole Kidman. She's not hot enough to be that pale. And she's too pale (apparently, thanks for the confirmation, Penelope) to stay married to Tom. Oh, and Sarah Jessica Parker. She's destined to be an assassin.

4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find attractive?
I have no idea. Ugly people generally aren't famous. If I think someone is attractive, I won't usually second-guess myself by asking for a second opinion... unless I'm seeing the situation in 3B.

5. What popular trend baffles you?
That it's somehow hilariously funny to assert the exact opposite of something that is glaringly obvious. It's not ironic, either. Irony implies poignancy and relevance, not just flipping a meaning. It's obviously funny to some people, but has become overused and is not clever or intelligent enough to hold my interest. Touché!

Posted by yargevad at November 7, 2003 01:50 PM

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