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October 09, 2003

peligroso en la cabeza!   (movie, random re me)

I watched Confessions of a Dangerous Mind last night. At first I thought it was gonna be stupid because Dangerous Minds was stupid, but then I remembered that Catwoman was the teacher in that, so it can't have been that bad, right? Right??!

I enjoyed it. It was definitely a dark comedy (at least i took it as a comedy, which given my track record of laughing hilariously in 8mm while Nicolas Cage gets sodomized with a crossbow, might be stretching it), and it was done very well. (Heh heh, I don't think he actually got sodomized with a crossbow... but that would be pretty funny.)

So yeah! Good movie, good acting, good subtle acting and reacting by the dude who shot Drew Barrymore out of a window in Charlie's Angels, and also looks kinda like Jon Bon Jovi. That's two strikes! But this movie resets the count. And the crowd goes wild.

Posted by yargevad at October 9, 2003 01:39 PM

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