September 29, 2003
Foundation (book)
I've heard the name Isaac Asimov sporadically over my reading career, always as synonymous with "science fiction." Although the link goes to a different edition than I have, I'm sure they haven't screwed it up too bad. Looks like the one I have is an '83 vintage!
So yeah, the Foundation trilogy won the Hugo award for *ahem* Best. Trilogy Ever. It's quite good. Isaac manages to slip a lot of social commentary into a book I always assumed was about light sabers and photon torpedoes. WTG Isaac!
The book is divided into a couple sections, each dealing with a different type of power wielded over the masses. First comes blind academia, then fabricated religion, then greed and trade. It's a very thought-provoking book, as I would expect any book that deals with distribution of and shifts of power as well as consequences of people's actions on such an enormous scale to be.
Posted by yargevad at September 29, 2003 04:36 PM