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September 08, 2003

back to Camelot   (geekin, video games)

i've played a bunch of video games. ever since i got a computer, i've enjoyed games. then came MMORPGs. games with no end. an irc client with a game built on top of it. any way you look at it, it's much more than a traditional game.

there is a thriving industry providing online games to gamers. my MMORPG experience started with Ultima Online, which was plaged with exploitable bugs, griefing player killers and overpowered skills, continued on to EverQuest, which was clogged with twinks, power gamers and time sinks that weren't even rudimentarily disguised, dropped me into DAoC, on to Shadowbane, and back to DAoC. i am subscribed to 2 MMORPGs right now, and actively play 1 of them. i played Shadowbane for a while but didn't really enjoy it... the game isn't balanced, and there is no easy way to learn how to make an effective character.

the other MMORPG i play (the one i actually do play) is Dark Age of Camelot. Its backstory is derived from mythology, its gameplay is intuitive, and its chat system is excellent. i had stopped playing DAoC for a while, but have since started again, inspired by several of my co-workers who had started playing Shadowbane and were looking for less retarded alternatives. in case you'd like to know, i play on the Galahad server and my character's name is Hansel McNasty. feel free to drop in and say hi.

Posted by yargevad at September 8, 2003 05:58 PM

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